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Smrek joining Wisconsin Badgers in January

By Bernie Puchalski - December 18, 2020

smrek ndcs 12182020When you’re an athletic, 6-foot-8 volleyball player, the world is your oyster.

By the start of her Grade 10 school year at Notre Dame, the scholarship offers had started to pour in for Anna Smrek.

“There were a lot of teams from the Pac-12 Conference and all the teams in the Big 10 Conference,” the 17-year-old Welland native said.

By the end of Grade 10, Smrek has verbally committed to Wisconsin.

“There was no pressure at all. I had had some previous offers and stuff but I was taking my time. I didn’t want to rush anything because that is not something you should automatically be able to make a decision on unless your heart is really set on it.”

The Madison, Wis., school quickly became near and dear to her heart after first visiting the school with her parents, Mike and Sonya, and later going on an official visit.

“That kind of confirmed things even more how much I loved the school,” she said. “It was everything. The academics were amazing, the coaches were amazing and I loved the whole family aspect. I felt at home there and that is honestly the most important thing when you are moving away for the next four years.”

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Jarod Tessier joins the Marauders

By Bernie Puchalski: BP Sports Niagara - November 5, 2020

bpsports 11052020Like several of his Notre Dame teammates, Jarod Tessier saw his 12B season of high school football terminated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It was a tough one because I didn’t need to come back and upgrade any of my marks or anything,” the 18-year-old Welland resident said. “I was coming back so I could play with my brother (Jacob) and figure out what I was going to do next year. I didn’t know what to do when I heard. I was kind of speechless.”

Notre Dame head coach Tim Bisci felt his pain.

“It would have been great to see all the kids play,” he said. “One year in high school is big and that year between 12 and 12B is huge. We had five to seven kids who were coming back and who knows how good they could have been and how good the team could have been.”

Normally at this time of year, Bisci would have been busy preparing his football team for a run at another championship but on Thursday, he had to get his football fix by attending a signing ceremony for Tessier. Wearing masks, the 6-foot-2, 190-pound Tessier celebrated his signing with his brother, his parents, Trevor and Kim, and members of the Notre Dame coaching staff and school administration.

“It was a really tough decision and it was between Mac and Guelph,” said Tessier, who played defensive back, slotback and running back for the Fighting Irish. “Mac just kind of spoke to me and it was kind of a process.”

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Bisci’s labour of love

By Bernie Puchalski - September 22, 2020

bp sports nd 092320Tim Bisci couldn’t wait to get started on his 19th year as head coach of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish senior football team.

“I look forward to it every year, no matter what,” the 51-year-old Welland native said. “You could have the worst team possible but I walk in every first day thinking that maybe there’s a chance. I find some optimism and maybe midway through the season I am not as optimistic any more but this is what I do and I absolutely love it.”

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic tackled the 2020 season before it even began.

“It kills me not to be out here and the field is quiet and there is nothing going on,” Bisci said. “It has been 38 straight years that I had been on a football field in the fall and I don’t even come out here now. I don’t want to be out here.”

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Transitioning between In-Person Learning and Online Remote Learning

Secondary Student Requirements:

Parents/Guardians of secondary students who wish to transition between in-person and online remote learning must complete the Secondary Student Transition Form by the dates below:

Transition Request Deadline Course Start Date
Friday, September 25th, 2020 Tuesday, October 13th, 2020 – Course 2
Friday, October 23rd, 2020 Monday, November 16th, 2020 – Course 3
Friday, November 27th, 2020 Monday, January 4th, 2021 – Course 4
Friday, January 15th, 2021 Monday, February 8th, 2021 – Course 5
Friday, February 19th, 2021 Monday, March 22nd, 2021 – Course 6
Thursday, April 1st, 2021 Monday, April 26th, 2021 – Course 7
Friday, May 7th, 2021 Monday, May 31st, 2021 – Course 8


Transportation Requirements:

Regardless if your child transitions between in-person or online remote learning, if your child is eligible for transportation you must complete the Opt-In / Opt-Out Transportation Request through Niagara Student Transportation Service (NSTS).  Read the detailed Back to School Transportation Plan for additional information.

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