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Former Irish Student, Sandor Mod named to East/West squad

By Bernie Puchalski - May 19, 2021

Sandor Mod May 12 turned out to be anything but just another work day for Sandor Mod.

The soon-to-be 22-year-old Welland native was working in Welland with a landscaping crew redoing a backyard when he was interrupted by his phone.

“It just started blowing up with everyone congratulating me and my dad called me and stuff,” he said. “Thank God, it was on lunch but it was great. Everyone around me was saying that it was exciting news.

“I was pretty calm because it was halfway through the day and we were kind of getting tired from moving bricks and cutting sod; all that good stuff.”

The news was that the 6-foot-4, 285-pound defensive lineman at Carleton had been selected for the 2021 East-West Bowl roster by U SPORTS and the Canadian Football League. No game will be played due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The rosters include the next generation of top Canadian football prospects and identifies 110 U SPORTS-eligible standouts for the 2022 CFL Draft.

It is fantastic news because I have been working towards this for almost 15 years and it’s good to get a little recognition here and there.”

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Jansen to join Queen’s rowing

By Bernie Puchalski -

jansen bpsports05112021Should I stay or should I go?

That was the dilemma facing 18-year-old Welland resident Gillian Jansen as she contemplated where she would pursue her post-secondary academic and rowing career.

The Grade 12B student at Notre Dame had applied to Brock, Queen’s, McMaster and the University of Toronto but early on she knew there were only two destinations in play.

“My biggest choice to make was whether I wanted to go away or stay home and the choice was between Brock or Queen’s.”

She was familiar with Queen’s because she trained at the Kingston university as part of Team Ontario in 2018.

“The coach for it was from Queen’s and we ended up training out of Queen’s for two weekends. I got introduced to Queen’s and we stayed in contact ever since then.”

And there was Brock.

“Brock is obviously close to home and I have met the coaches over the years.”

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Skills Ontario Competition

We’re only days away from Skills Ontario first EVER Skills Ontario Competition, Conferences & Career Exploration Showcase...and you’re invited!

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