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Wall of fame rower had one regret

By Bernie Puchalski: BP Sports Niagara - May 6, 2024

BPSports Niagara 04262004Sunday’s Welland Sports Wall of Fame induction ceremony was a great day for 2024 inductee Lauren Aiello.

“I feel so honoured to be inducted along with such amazing athletes, builders and coaches. I am so amazed and so grateful to be a part of this wall,” the 29-year-old Welland native said. “It means everything. It is such an incredible experience. I have worked so hard in my sport and it is so wonderful to be recognized in this way in front of my family and friends. It doesn’t just feel like my award. There have been so many people and mentors in my life who have brought me here and they deserved to be recognized too.”

Read full article at BP Sports Niagara!

family of schools

Alexander Kuska

School Website

Principal: Chris Moscato

Holy Name

School Website

Principal: Scott Root

St. Alexander

School Website

Principal: Mark Venzon

St. Andrew

School Website

Principal: Maria Ruggi Dietsch

St. Ann

School Website

Principal: Steve Ward

St. Augustine

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Principal: Paul Moccia

St. Kevin

School Website

Principal: Gus Marchio

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Principal: Paolo Sirianni

Notre Dame College School   •   64 Smith Street    •   Welland, ON,  L3C 4H4   •  905-788-3060

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