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Lee commits to Gannon

By Bill Potrecz: BP Sports Niagara - April 22, 2024

bpsn NDCS 04122024Aaron Lee is natural born leader.

The 17-year-old, Grade 12 student at Notre Dame loves to act as a player/coach on the pitch, whether it’s from his natural fullback position or from centre-back.

“I’m a strong defender and very vocal,” the Pelham resident said. “If you come out to watch any of our games or practices, I’m constantly projecting my voice. I’m quite quick on the wing and I like to play fullback and get up and down the wing when I can and then track back and try and make a strong challenge. At centre-back I can see everything on the pitch and offer advice and tell my players while on the pitch what I see and give them best opportunity to do better.”

Read Full Article here at BP Sports Niagara!

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