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Four inducted into Notre Dame Wall of Fame

By Bernie Puchalski: BP Sports Niagara - April 12, 2024

bpsn NDCS 04122024The Notre Dame Wall of Fame grew by four Friday morning during an induction ceremony at the Welland high school.

Joining the sports wall were Grey Cup champion Chris Van Zeyl, world field lacrosse silver medalist Vanessa VanderZalm, U SPORTS basketball champion Scott Murray and cheer coach Karen Wallace.

The wall, established in 1986 during the school’s 50th anniversary celebrations, honours any Notre Dame alumnus who has attained outstanding recognition or superior accomplishments in a school sport. It is based on playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character and contribution to a team or teams at Notre Dame.

Read Full Article here at BP Sports Niagara!

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Principal: Chris Moscato

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Principal: Scott Root

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Principal: Mark Venzon

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Principal: Maria Ruggi Dietsch

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Principal: Steve Ward

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Principal: Paul Moccia

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Principal: Gus Marchio

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Principal: Paolo Sirianni

Notre Dame College School   •   64 Smith Street    •   Welland, ON,  L3C 4H4   •  905-788-3060

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