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Battaglini the Badger

 By Bill Potrecz: BP Sports Niagara - September 22, 2022

bpsports niagara ndcs 06282022Cassie Battaglini figured the grass wasn’t going to be necessarily greener on the other side of the border.

The Welland native did some research into playing soccer in the States but realized home was where the heart was.

“I have always wanted to stay home, I never wanted to go away and Brock has a program (kinesiology) and that was an offer I couldn’t resist,” the Notre Dame graduate said. “They also have a new coach (Carli Tingstad) and a lot of awesome girls. So at the tryouts with the atmosphere I knew it was a really good spot to be. There is nowhere else I would rather go.

Read Full Article at BP Sports Niagara!

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